Sunday 20 July 2008

95A Reunion...amazingly after 10 years

10 yrs: =1/7 -1/9 of homo sapiens sapiens' lifespan. Think of all the changes...and despite all the changes. 1998: the year we got back to JI for our results (still remember the guys in their SAF/Police uniform with their botak heads, lucky for me, my BMT is over, so I can pop up in my civilian). That's the last we see of each other...except for Mr Ef****y, somehow I keep bumping into him -- at the 1/2 marathon (Ca***r was there too), in U (too bad he's also a history "siao" like me), and surprisingly after U in the zheng he exhibition area (so he's the researcher for the Malay manuscript). As for the rest, they seem to have vanished into thin air -- and that is despite the small land mass of Singapore. Back in 1998, internet is still in its infancy, hp is still not as popular (honestly, I have neither back then). 10 yrs later, internet is a norm and it's considered really sua ku without a hp in S'pore...and so we start discovering each other in that new stuff call Facebook...and thus our reunion in Vivo Earle Swensen. Perhaps that's the only change we should really be thankful for.

Changes seem inevitable -- all of us have our own career, some pursuing their further studies overseas (phd some more...cheers for JIians!), some getting married (those married are absent from the reunion). But what remains is the bond we share -- 3 yrs as classmate is no joke, that's the longest in my schooling history -- and all those jokes and laughter, they still remains as one of the most entertaining jokes. Yet memory is failing me, as the past 10 yrs had erased most of my memory. The reunion has bring back fond memories...and our youth...which we thought we might have lost (we're still monkeys to Mrs Durai, but I'm still remain "stable" to her, perhaps she still haven't discovered my dark side...heh!heh!). We talk about all the craziest thing we have experienced for that 3 yrs... xxx's relation with yyy and another zzz; how aaa always act in a certain way; the style of teaching of a certain Ms ggg and the other "Ms teapot"; that juicy news from Malacca; and of course Mr Ef****y's repetition of that fart (I think he seriously miss that methane cum onion smell). Seriously, I've been missing out quite a number of action back then, now I really regret it --- I really shouldn't be so guai.

Anyway, it's really an enjoyable night. Lookin forward to another reunion, especially with those absentees...can't wait to hear their side of the story...let's see who ganna suan next.