Friday 3 July 2009

Wisdom & tusk

Today is my last day of quarantine -- no no, not OF H1N1, it's the removal of my "tusk" (err... the correct name should be "wisdom teeth" -- I'm not an elephant and not endangered in any way). The dentist awarded me 5 days MC (plus a fee of $9xx! Now you see how much my tusk worth!) after he's done with his exercise pulling, dragging, screwing...just to get all that wisdom out of my "executive condo" (that's what the dentist call my mouth, just because I open wide enough). Seriously, I won't bother to pull them out at this time, if not for the occasional rumbling last weekend and the dentist's forewarning of an eruption if they are not cleared. I've removed my right wisdom 3 yrs ago and it's terribly painful, not to mention burning a hole in my pocket. I was worried if I don't get my left side out, the eruption could occur anytime between my travel to Sarawak or during my studies -- it would be damned irritating if that happen then. Since it's still 3 wk before my Sarawak tour, I might as well wipe it out once and for all.

I returned to the same old clinic where I had my operation 3 yrs ago, though the dentist is a different lady. She seems to be not as experience (& probably not as strong) in operating on wisdom tooth, so she call in her male colleague who is certainly stronger, darker (that's because he's a Malay lah) & taller (a match for my height). So it ends up there's 3 person entertaining me -- 2 dentists & 1 assistant -- what a honour compared to 2 person last time. Moreover, they pump in more analgesic than my previous visit, so much so that I don't feel any pain at all when they were removed. Add on to that, this Malay dentist is a good entertainer with his jokes. "This fellow's teeth has a structure like a ang moh gao...maybe he is one in disguise", referring to my tusk. "Don't bite my finger, if not I'll have to take MC also. Then we can all talk cock at the Marsiling kopitiam". It helps to lighten up the atmosphere, though I can't laugh ...I can only left my exe condo wide open.

Mum also remarked what a big upper tooth I had. Perhaps that's because I've more wisdom?

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